Student Solution


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solution 01.03.20

solution 01.03.20

Q 1. When a cell (either normal or cancerous) is preparing to divide, it goes through four phases of the cell cycle. List each phase and what happens during that phase (see Section 19.2 of your textbook). 2 points Now answer the following questions based on the information on this website page. 2. How do alkylating agents work? 0.5 point 3. What part of the cell cycle do alkylating agents target (from question 5)? 0.5 point 4. How do antimetabolites work? 0.5 point 5. What part of the cell cycle do antimetabolites target? 0.5 point 6. How do anti-tumor antibiotics work? 0.5 point

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Cell goes through interphase which include G1 phase in which cell grows and protein is synthesized. In S phase the DNA replicate and centrosome also replicate. In mitotic phase interphase involves. Mitosis includes nuclear division which involves chromosome segregation and distribution of daughter nuclei.